Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Regional Human Rights Mechanisms

There are two regional mechanisms dedicated to addressing human rights in South East Asia. Kindly click the hyperlinks in bold below to access websites of the institutions:
Almost all ASEAN member states have a representative in AICHR but only six member states joining the SEANF.

SEANF Members

The national human rights institutions with the South East Asia National Human Rights Forum (SEANF) membership are:
Basic Information

I believe that I should focus more on the national level since the awareness about this particular topic is still limited in my country. How can people have access at the regional level in order to address their issues with human rights? So, we would just compile the links for our reference first.

Check the information from AICHR Malaysia, click here.

Information on the Human Rights and Humanities Division of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), click here.

News and Specific Issues