Thursday, 1 December 2016

Human Rights Issues in 2016

According to the lectures given to my by three individuals but with the same message. They mentioned a point that we should know issues happening around the world and regionally. Without further ado, let us see what are those hit issues in Southeast Asia.

South East Asia National Human Rights Institutions Forum (SEANF)

These countries are the members of this particular regional forum. They would conduct meetings among themselves to address cross-border human rights issues in the region and collaborate on promoting and protecting regional human rights. These member states would cooperate with the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, which is attached to their respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste

Overall, regional human rights issues were championed by Myanmar. Other countries mostly also have human rights issues but they are not spreading out to regional and international level.

Scandals of National Human Rights Institutions

I have heard two scandals related to the members of the Forum. They are:
  • Myanmar
  • Indonesia
I found that these people in the section I am working right now associate everything that they are doing with research. In certain ways, it is not wrong. However, they should use a more correct term which is media-monitoring when addressing about everyone should know everything that happened in the world. The internet is a tool that can make us almost at the same level with a god.

Basically, this section should be part of the Corporate Communications Department but since it deals with protocol matters and they are compiling others' reports or researchers for the Commission. In this sense, I think these guys failed to frame the function of this section in a comprehensive manner. Blame me not but blame themselves for their cocky attitude thinking that they are superior to other sections in this tiny little institution.